You will need a version of Scratch either an online editor browser version or an offline editor version. To download you will need internet connection. To share your creations via your Scratch account you will also need to be connected to the internet and logged into your Scratch account.
Offline editors are available for Windows, macOS, AndroidOS and Android. It is not currently available for Linux.
Visit https://scratch.mit.edu/download to get the latest copy of Scratch.
Apps: Scratch, ScratchJr & Browser
Overview Of Options
ScratchJr – aimed at younger kids
Scratch – android app
In-Browser App
Android Apps Comparison
The Scratch Foundation provide two android apps, one is Scratch and the other is ScratchJr. Both of these, are only available for tablets. The tablet you have needs to be compatible for the app you wish to install.
There is a much bigger difference in the capabilities of ScratcJr compared to other versions of Scratch (app or pc/mac). This is because it it tailored for smaller kids. It will not be possible to follow along to the tutorial by ICC using ScratchJr – you will tho still be welcomed to watch and learn. By watching you will still be able to train your mind to think like a programmer!
It will be a little bit more tricky to try and follow along this blog’s offering using a tablet version of Scratch. Not impossible, just more tricky. Working on a smaller screen and working without a mouse (I believe) is not the best environment for kids to learn Scratch. From my experience, click and/or drag is easier for older kids using a mouse (especially as there are some smaller areas you will need to click on). Also, to be able to see all the blocks of code, spacing them out well helps to make the content more fun for kids, not to mention more easier to understand.
Not everyone will have a computer where they are allowed to install new software. Maybe you have a work computer, maybe one on loan from a friends. You can still get busy with Scratch by using their browser based option.
ICC Tutorials
For my blog insights, I will be creating projects using an offline editor version of Scratch (Windows). If you are using the macOS, ChromeOS or in-browser editor you can follow along with the tutorials. The look of the editor may be slightly different, but it will still be easy to follow along for grown up and kids. If however you have ScratchJr, you will not be able to follow along as there are too many differences between the editors.
Go to Scratch website and create an account, visit https://scratch.mit.edu/join.
Full Scratch Offering Overview
This blog by ICC will use in-browser or downloaded editor Scratch apps for the tutorials given.
For an overview of this blog offering please click here!