Our First Creation!

Let’s Give Scratch A Lucky Day

Photo by Júnior Ferreira


The First Of Many

Let’s dive into our first project!  We will start with something more simple.  Then we will improve it in a second video.

Our project will be a simple story called ‘Lucky Day’.  Have you ever walked down the street and found a coin? It is nice to have a lucky day, lets make it a lucky day for Scratch.

First Things First – Plan

Before we begin any programming project, before we write any code (drag any blocks) we need to think about what we want to happen.  Did you do the task in an earlier lesson (What Is Programming? post), when I challenged you to think about how you would take a biscuite from the jar.  This is what we need to do for our project.

We need to think about what background, characters, timing, among other things.

  1. Start game
  2. Background is a white with title on it
  3. After 2 seconds (from start), change background to street picture
  4. Move Scratch across the screen, stop at the coin
  5. Scratch can pick up the coin
  6. Scratch continues across the screen to the other side
  7. The backdrop changes to show ‘THE END’ text

This seems like a great starting point.  As we build you will see just how many more steps we actually add to the above 7 steps.  I can think of a bunch more steps, but I wanted to let you see just how things will develop as we build it.  Later on, we will make a more details plans at the start but for now as this is our first project I want to keep it visually a bit more limited in the text given.

Good Luck  & Enjoy!

ICC Full Scratch Offering Overview

For an overview of this blog offering please click here!