Scratch – by Wikipedia
Scratch is a block-based visual programming language and website targeted primarily at children. Users of the site can create online projects using a block-like interface. The service is developed by the MIT Media Lab, has been translated into 70+ languages, and is used in most parts of the world. Scratch is taught and used in after-school centers, schools, and colleges, as well as other public knowledge institutions. As of May 2019, community statistics on the language’s official website show more than 40 million projects shared by over 40 million users, and almost 40 million monthly website visits.
Source: htttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scratch_(programming_language)
Scratch – My Thoughts As A Programmer
It was about 9 years ago that I first came across Scratch. At the time I was learning how to code, by self study! I came from a business background, working in office based jobs, skills sets included working with customers face to face, business administration, sales, recruitment, office finance, amongst other things.
I took up programming by accident, well if I am honest its because I was being nosy! My husband is a computer games animator. At one point he was looking into maybe making a game in his spare time so he picked up some programming books. I had a flick through – I was captivated. This syntax, the pictures of the resulting output ….how does it do that ? !
I spent weekends and nights working through the book. I was hooked. Forward a year or so, something happened in my life that meant I was after a change. The change came in the form of taking up a totally new career moving from Event Coordination (ICT events for local businesses) to becoming a Java programmer.
Scratch is a brilliant tool, for ANY age. For me it helped to see the logic needed in a place that was “safer”. Taking away the complexity of a workplace IDE (integrated development environment, programmers use in the workplace) so that mistakes can be made in an environment more forgiving for the learner.
The creation too benefits from this safer environment. It significantly reduces the amount one can actually make a mistake, i.e. that dreaded missing a ‘;‘ or a ‘}‘ misplaced so your loop body is off-point.
Starting with Scratch is a brilliant way to get ones mind trained for how to think like a programmer. It is TOTALLY AWESOME and its FREE!
Scratch – A Mum To A 6 Year Old
Scratch is a creative tool that brings friends and family together! It allows me to empower my child, to make her a little wizard (sorceress). When we build projects her creativity has another outlet to shine. She is exposed to seeing how her input, decisions, ideas are so important and can result in many things such as a fun game, interactive story, music, & more!
Scratch – The 6 Year Old
I love to make things, especially with unicorns. It’s fun to record my own sounds, to pick pictures to use, the characters…..there are naughty bugs that come but its fun to squish them by fixing it (telling Scratch what to do).

Imagine Code Create – Born To Inspire
In this difficult time as the corona virus provides many challenges around the world, I cannot help but think what can I do to provide some smiles at this difficult time.
I am very passionate about helping to inspire the next generation of programmers. I have worked with a number of kids in my local community for free, to give them valuable exposure to Scratch, programming.
People ask me but why do you do it? Well, to quote my favourite film
“How does he do it?”
“My dear boy, do you ask a fish how it swims?”
“Or a bird how it flies?”
“No siree you don’t. They do it because they were born to do it. Just like Willy Wonka was born to be a candy man…”
My journey in life has taken me on such a ride. I know the power of doing a job just for a paycheck Vs. doing a job for fun/ passion. Upon realising this I took it upon myself to inspire more people to love the work they do, to empower kids at all ages to know that programming is for everyone!
I believe to inspire one child, one parent, anyone….has the power to radiate around to others and effect lives through generations.
In this time of need (on a global scale as we face covid-19) it is within my power to provide a way for kids to learn programming. A Place away from adverts that can be accidentally clicked or where videos show that maybe are not appropriate for our kids.
How much content will there be? Well, like many I am now homeschooling my child. I also need to earn money to keep the lights on. I will do my best to add content where I can, please bare with me. Thanks!
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